Prayer Requests
The Power of Prayer with Wesley United Methodist Church
We would love to hear a request for your own prayer needs and we will be happy to make a personal prayer for you. We are all finding ourselves in times of trouble throughout our lives and understand the importance of the power of prayer. With brighter times just over the horizon, we want to be there for you to help guide the way. Whatever your prayer need, finding your own peace of mind provides a foundation of personal strength to face any of life's situations. Your request is a sacred trust with our pastors at Wesley United Methodist Church and is kept confidential unless otherwise specified.
Personal Devotionals
Everyone could use a daily boost of faith which is why we have decided to make the Devotional videos here at Wesley United Methodist Church. Please feel free to add yourself to the expansive list of community members, friends, and families who already receive our Devotionals in their e-mail. To be added, CLICK HERE or click the image and you too can enjoy the best way to start your day with Wesley UMC Bloomington.