Wesley United Methodist Church Bloomington

Our Stewardship Campaign for 2025 is here!

We invite you use the links below to fill out and submit the digital versions of our commitment cards!

Join us for Traditional Worship at 9:00am and Contemporary Worship at 11:30 every Sunday!
DoUntoOthers Strip

This election year, the United Methodist Churches of BloNo are leading a “Campaign for Kindness”! We’ll be promoting the values of  Kindness, Compassion, Love, Humility, and Respect.

You’ll see yard signs, stickers and t-shirts (sign up in the Garden Room between services). Pick up a daily devotional, or gather a couple of friends for an easy-to-lead small group study. Engage in Random Acts of Kindness around our community, to remind yourself and everyone else about the kind of community we want to live in: a community of Kindness.

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Pay it forward. Leave a big tip. Offer a compliment.

 Do a favor. Help a neighbor.

Wesley UMC Bloomington Vision Statement

We are honored to welcome you to Wesley UMC Bloomington! We hope you find a welcoming community in this family of faith and love for our friends and neighbors.

Our mission here at Wesley UMC Bloomington is “To make and nurture disciples for Jesus Christ." We strive to do this in ways that are joyful, thoughtful, and relevant to modern life by bringing families and friends together in a comfortable and safe environment. We seek to be faithful to our Christian history and heritage as we respond holistically to our call to live the Christian life through vibrant worship, devoted service, generous giving, and welcoming hospitality.

Learn about Wesley and what it is to be a Methodist.
See a map of Wesley and our convenient parking.

Contact Us!

Phone: (309) 827-8046 Email:             Connect@Wesley-UMC.com


Wesley is Handicap



We are Safe

Gatherings Approved!