Here at Wesley, we are proud participants in the Safe Gatherings Education Center. We abide by the standards Safe Gatherings checks and uses in training all our staff, clergy, and volunteers. To volunteer at Wesley, you will be asked to complete the necessary information at no cost. This process is in place to ensure that our children, youth, and vulnerable adults are surrounded by those who, above all, seek their safety and security.
We look forward to working with you and seeing how wonderful your skillsets meet the needs of our community. Thank you for offering your most valuable asset- your time! Click below to complete your Safe Gatherings application.
We want to see you connected with Wesley! All of us here in the Wesley community has excellent and unique skills to be utilized for the better of those who need our help. Creating an incredible moment in someone's day quickly becomes a memory you will treasure forever. Whether you are enthusiastically greeting Wesley UMC members back to church, Leading the Wesley Action Team, handing out Wesley Distribution Ministry's household item bags, or taking pictures to be used in social media, every person who gives a small part of their week takes part in the life of changing someone else's life for the better. Join our team and experience the joy of knowing God wants your life to make an impact on those around you!

There is no better way to feel great about the time in your day than to spend a moment helping your friends and families. When you join the Action Team at Wesley, you give the most valuable gift- your time. This is a great way to meet new friends and keep up with those you already know! Learn new skills or show those around you how much you enjoy leading your community group. The Action Team at Wesley members is encouraged to serve once per week when possible though it is not uncommon to have members rotating weeks with a friend. Nothing makes us happier than seeing you participate in our activities and events! Fill out the form below, and we will help match you with your best fit.
There are many ways to serve our church and community through our gifts, time, and talents, and joining our volunteer team (Action Team) is the way to live with purpose.
Please see the descriptions below and click on the red titles for opportunities to give back!
Every third Saturday of each month, we meet at Wesley West from 9:30-11:30 am to distribute FREE paper goods and food boxes to those in need from our community. Volunteers are needed to help unload the truck, organize and sort donations before the event, and additional help is needed that morning to distribute (currently, we are hosting a DRIVE-THRU DISTRIBUTION for the safety of our volunteers and patrons). Items needed include diapers, wipes, facial tissues, feminine hygiene products, adult diapers, and printed religious items. For more details about how to donate or volunteer, please get in touch with Karen Daudelin at 309-838-5723 or email kpdaudelin@frontier.com.
CLICK HERE to make a financial donation to support this ministry (please note WDM in the memo) or mail your gift to Wesley UMC at 502 East Front Street, Bloomington, IL 61701
Monday - Friday before the third Saturday of the month at any time
We often have mailers that need to be stuffed, packets requiring rubber bands, the general organization of supplies, and many other vital duties like data entry.
Wesley Church needs a Transportation Ministry Coordinator for Sunday mornings. Would you like to organize transport for those who cannot drive themselves to church? Then this is for you!
We also need drivers ready to help by bringing congregants to Wesley Church weekly. Volunteer for one day per month, biweekly, or every week! The time you spend with Transportation Ministry is a very important and rewarding way to give your time to the discipleship of Jesus Christ. Click the red title to sign up!
We love having extra hands sorting and laying out snacks and drinks for fellowship visits. We always need a different person or two to help with cleanup.
We are in great need of people who love to help with food service! Lease give us a few hours per week and help us make it possible to serve and help with cleanup for Wednesdays at Wesley. Here are also often opportunities for bake sales and other events you need!
For those of you who have a knack for coming up with great fundraising or communication opportunities- this is for you! organization, leadership, planning, and hitting the streets. These are what make a great team!
For events inside and outside the church, we need people to greet attendees and help with a check-in: ask people how they are feeling, sign them in, and ensure that everyone is ready to participate. Individuals who want to give some time to food services may also use this as their volunteer category.
Every month we have openings for over 30 volunteers just for our Ministries. rom handing out items to those in need to learning how and utilizing knitting skills, our Ministries always need extra people.
ONE-ON-ONE (18+)
With such a significant community need for getting our friends out of their homes and into the fresh air, the Healing Rides program is perfect for those who like to bike-ride. e also could use the time to make a phone call and reach out to those who may want to have a conversation. His is a more personal time, people.
Team members are needed on any given Sunday and right away to help with videography, sound, lighting, etc. N experience is necessary, just a passion for learning! I this is up your alley, fill out the form, and we'll be in touch!
Many gifts are needed in teaching, service, encouragement, and areas we may not have mentioned. I you or someone you know enjoys giving the gift of time, please ask them to fill out the form in the main link above and become part of the Wesley Action Team!
Help us SHARE THE LOAD with those in need by helping with an everyday task - LAUNDRY! We gather at The Wash House (609 N. Clinton Street, Bloomington) on the FOURTH TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH from 4:30-8:00 pm to lend a hand and a few quarters! Donations are always welcome to support this vital ministry; both detergent AND quarters help keep it going!
Contact Gary Thompson for more details about how you can help at garyt23@frontier.com.
CLICK HERE to make a financial donation to support this ministry (please note LOADS OF LOVE in the memo) or mail your gift to Wesley UMC at 502 East Front Street, Bloomington, IL 61701
Faith in Action is a 501(c)3 Not for Profit organization. FIA's mission is to provide spiritual, physical, and emotional support to seniors to help them maintain independence, dignity, and improved quality of life. We accomplish this through an interfaith network of volunteers, congregations, and community organizations.
Several Volunteer positions are available, including:
Transportation Drivers (primarily to medical appointments)
Friendly Visits Program
Grocery Shopping
Transportation Desk
Care receiver Assessments
Congregational Liaison
For more information, contact Barb Brown (309-531-8768) or Steve Brown (309-826-6803)
Healing Rides is growing in need, especially after the year we all have had with COVID. We are looking for volunteers for the summer. We ride from June through September.
Qualifications to be a Healing Rides Volunteer
1. Available one or two days a week, Monday through Friday, between 12:30 to 3:30.
2. We Must have the heart to brighten the day of those who need fresh air and sunshine in our community.
3. Must be 18 or older.
Our friends at Midwest Food Bank also need volunteers to work onsite as they continue to serve our community during these difficult times. If you can help, call 309-663-5350.
Western Avenue Community Center is a non-profit organization whose success depends on the community's generous donations. We are always looking for volunteers to help with our many programs. If you cannot volunteer your time, you can still be of assistance by donating money or items from one of our Wish Lists. You can help by donating to support our programs that support our community. CLICK HERE to learn more, donate or sign up to volunteer.
Feeding BN and Beyond is an organization collaborating with United Way, local school districts, and other non-profit partners to address solutions and food security issues within greater McLean County. Western Avenue Community Center is one of 11 organizations providing free meals during the pandemic, and they need YOUR HELP!
Wesley has a solid music department and is interested in growing our praise band! If you are or know a musician who plays bass guitar, guitar, drums, piano, percussion, or any other type of instrument- contact us! We would love to integrate your talents into our band.
Musician schedules are on rotation, so if you are only available periodically, we have just the place for you here at Wesley!