The Wesley Children's Ministry gives you the tools you need to nurture spiritual growth within your family.
At Wesley, we offer different ways for children of all ages to learn about Christ. We believe that Christian Education is best accomplished as a collaboration, a collaboration of family and church. If you have questions, please contact Kathi Pritts, Director of Christian Education, at
While children of all ages are always welcome in sanctuary worship, some children benefit from lessons geared primarily toward their age group. Children’s Church begins immediately following the “Children’s Time” in prayer at 9:00am when preschool through elementary kids join Miss Kathi in the Wesley Hall (downstairs) for a bible lesson all their own, based on the same scripture and theme as the morning worship service. At 11:30, our service is intentionally intergenerationally focused.
Children’s Church is from 9:15-10:00 and Sunday School is 10:10-11:10am. (Note: on the first Sunday of each month, children return to the sanctuary at the close of the service to join the congregation in Holy Communion). If you are at Wesley for the first time, please register your child at the Kids Check-in table in the Lobby!
Please also take a moment to allow Wesley to use photos that might include your child participating in our activities!
For more information or questions, please contact our Director of Christian Education, Kathi Pritts, or (309) 827-8046.