This is a list of the most frequently asked questions, so we got our finest people on it to help provide you with the best answers possible!
- Read the What United Methodists Believe on the Who Are We page
- Contact one of our pastors with more questions.
- Opportunities for involvement—from small groups and volunteer opportunities to missions and music—are open to anyone who wants to participate, members and visitors alike.
- If you are considering membership at Wesley Church, the first step is to attend a New Member Orientation Gathering, offered once-a-quarter. You'll learn more about the church, get to know our pastors and staff, and review expectations regarding membership.
- Check the church website and calendar for the next gathering.
Registration is required for those who would like to join us for either of our Sunday in-person worship services.
Traditional Service begins at 9:00am. The doors will be open at 8:30am.
Contemporary Service begins at 11:30am. The doors will be open at 11:00am.
Online Service is posted in a live stream on our youtube channel every Sunday at 9:00am and 11:30am. You can link to these on our Sermons web page.
- View our Alive Newsletter page on WesleyUMCBloomington.org
- View our Calendar page on WesleyUMCBloomington.org
- View the announcements before Sunday worship services and check out the hallway monitor screen announcements before and after Sunday worship services.
- "Like" our Facebook page: Wesley UMC Bloomington
- Bookmark our website and check back often.
- Check out our MUSIC page.
- Contact Brenna Martin, Director of Music Ministries.
- Explore the Adults Page under the Connect tab.
- Contact Kathi Pritts, Director of Christian Education.
- Visit the CHILDREN page in the CONNECT tab or contact Kathi Pritts, Director of Christian Education.
- Contact Kelsey Ross, Director of Youth Ministry or visit the SURGE page: https://wesleyumcbloomington.org/youth-3/
- "Like" our Wesley UMC Surge Youth Facebook page
- Visit our BAPTISM page in the ABOUT tab.
- Contact Jennifer Michelson, Administrative Assistant to the Pastors
- Wesley UMC Bloomington is proud to know we have an ever-growing young adult presence. Our 20s-30s ministry is called Called Good and currently meets once per week. If you would like to join us for a book study or discussion, please contactKelsey Ross.