Welcoming Statement
WESLEY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH is a fully affirming and inclusive church. We embrace the radical love of Jesus Christ. We welcome ALL people to worship God in a safe place and to participate in the life, community, and ministry of Wesley.
“Keep on loving each other like family. Don’t neglect to open up your homes to guests because by doing this some have been hosts to angels without knowing it!”
-Hebrews 13:1-2 (CEB)
“Whoever claims to love God yet hates a (sibling) is a liar. For whoever does not love their (sibling), whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen. And He has given us this command: ‘Anyone who loves God must also love their (sibling).’” -1 John 4:20-21 (NIV)
We affirm the inherent dignity of ALL of God’s children. The United Methodist Church Social Principles (2024) state, “God calls all members of the human family to recognize and protect the dignity and worth of all people.” (The Political Community, Preface, p.32)
We believe that the radical love of Jesus Christ includes everyone. We welcome and celebrate people of every age, educational background, ethnicity, faith, family status, gender expression*, gender identity*, lived experience, relationship status, mental ability, nationality, physical ability, political view, race*, sexual orientation*, and so much more. NO ONE is excluded, marginalized, or held outside the warm welcome of this congregation.
“For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” - Galatians 5:14 (NIV)
We value deep, meaningful, loving relationships with one another. Friendships, connection, and a sense of community are important for a healthy spiritual life. We value relationships, including with people of different faith backgrounds and life experiences. We recognize and celebrate traditional and non-traditional families and relationships; chosen families; families of mixed race; families of mixed faith; people who are married, divorced, widowed, single, or childless; and more!
We affirm and celebrate relationships shared between two consenting and committed adults. Marriage is considered a covenant within the United Methodist Church and Wesley provides this covenant for those who desire it, without prejudice based on sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or race.
Every person is acknowledged and celebrated as a child of God. Everyone is welcome to participate fully in the life, community, ministry, sacraments, and services at Wesley United Methodist Church. We strive to show we are followers of Jesus Christ by the way we love one another.
“. . . we respect differences within Christ’s Body, including differences in understanding and expressing faith, in gifts and practices of ministry, and in life experiences, as shaped by ethnicities, cultures, communities, abilities, age, sexual orientation, and gender.” -Preamble of the Social Principles (2024)
“One person considers one day more sacred than another; another considers every day alike. Each of them should be fully convinced in their own mind. Whoever regards one day as special does so to the Lord. Whoever eats meat does so to the Lord, for they give thanks to God; and whoever abstains does so to the Lord and gives thanks to God.” - Romans 14:5-6 (NIV)
We believe that diversity is a part of what makes God’s creation beautiful. We are a church where it is safe to disagree about and discuss important issues, while still remaining united in the love of Jesus Christ. While we may have diverse perspectives on faith and biblical interpretation, we covenant to accept, respect, celebrate, and love one another along our faith journeys. No matter who you are, where you are from, or what you believe, you are always welcome at Wesley UMC.
“. . . we respect differences within Christ’s Body, including differences in understanding and expressing faith, in gifts and practices of ministry, and in life experiences, as shaped by ethnicities, cultures, communities, abilities, age, sexual orientation, and gender.” -Preamble of the Social Principles (2024)
“One person considers one day more sacred than another; another considers every day alike. Each of them should be fully convinced in their own mind. Whoever regards one day as special does so to the Lord. Whoever eats meat does so to the Lord, for they give thanks to God; and whoever abstains does so to the Lord and gives thanks to God.” - Romans 14:5-6 (NIV)
“We affirm the dignity and worth of all women and girls and we urge the church . . . to nurture their leadership potential and enhance their opportunities to provide leadership in all aspects of church and social life.” (The Political Community, Basic Rights and Freedoms, D. Women and Girls)
“We encourage the creation of opportunities for their [men and boys] leadership potential to be nurtured . . .”. (The Political Community, Basic Rights and Freedoms, E. Men and Boys)
“We condemn racism, ethnocentrism, tribalism, and any ideology or social practice based on false and misleading beliefs or ideologies that one group of human beings is superior to all other groups of human beings.” (The Social Community, Other Social Issues, L. Racism, Ethnocentrism, and Tribalism)
“ . . . we urge people in positions of authority and power to support and include young people in making decisions and contributing their gifts at all levels of church and society.” (The Political Community, Basic Rights and Freedoms, B. Children and Young People)
“Elders have many gifts to give. We call upon the church . . . to provide continuing opportunities for them to participate in the human family and to contribute to God’s work in the world.” (The Political Community, Basic Rights and Freedoms, C. Elders and the Aging)
“We call for the elimination of all barriers that prevent people with disabilities from participating fully in the lives of local congregations . . .”. (The Political Community, Basic Rights and Freedoms, H. People with Disabilities)
“There is neither Jew nor Greek; there is neither slave nor free; nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” -Galatians 3:28 (CEB)
We strongly endorse the UMC Policy that Jesus Christ welcomes women, men, and non-binary people at all levels of leadership, and we endorse an intergenerational approach to the life, community, and ministry of the Church.
We support “concrete efforts to nurture and promote the leadership of all people, regardless of gender.” (The Social Community, Other Social Issues, F, Gender Equality and Diversity)
“And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” (Micah 6:8; NIV)
We endorse the following statement:
“Our baptismal vows call us ‘to resist evil, injustice, and oppression in whatever forms they present themselves.’ Therefore, we reject rhetoric, policies, and actions that demean or discriminate against any of God’s children and will be vigilant in defending the rights of the vulnerable and speaking out against oppression.” – Council of Bishops’ letter, November 7, 2024
"But if they confess their and their ancestors’ guilt for the wrongdoing they did to me, and for their continued opposition to me... then I will remember my covenant with Jacob. I will also remember my covenant with Isaac. And my covenant with Abraham. And I will remember the land." - Leviticus 26:40, 42 (CEB)
"Don’t obstruct the legal rights of an immigrant or orphan. Don’t take a widow’s coat as pledge for a loan. Remember how you were a slave in Egypt but how the Lord your God saved you from that. That’s why I’m commanding you to do this thing." - Deuteronomy 24:17-18
We have deep sorrow about the ways the United Methodist Church and its predecessor denominations have misunderstood and harmed marginalized people, including Black and Brown people, Indigenous people, LGBTQ+ people, victims of sexual misconduct, and victims of abuse of power within the church. We seek reconciliation and justice for those harms, and we are committed to restoring right relationships with all who have been harmed.
"Merciful God, we confess that we have not loved you with our whole heart. We have failed to be an obedient church. We have not done your will, we have broken your law, we have rebelled against your love, we have not loved our neighbors, and we have not heard the cry of the needy. Forgive us, we pray. Free us for joyful obedience, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen" - Prayer of Confession Before Communion.
At Wesley UMC, ALL people are celebrated as children of God, and ALL are welcome to participate fully — including in the sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion and the covenant of Holy Matrimony — in the life of Wesley United Methodist Church.