Anne Walling, Communications Coordinator
Anne Walling started as Wesley's Communications Coordinator in May 2013. Prior to being hired as a part-time staff member, Anne has been a dedicated volunteer at the church for more than a decade. Anne has a B.S. in Communication Education and an M.A. in Communication from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. Before her children were born, she taught at Stebbins High School in Dayton, Ohio, Ashland University in Ashland, Ohio, and The Ohio State University at Mansfield.
After the birth of her second son, Anne worked at home to raise her children, and during that time, she became very active at Wesley, especially in Wesley's Music Department, and in many other organizations in Bloomington/Normal. Anne still continues to volunteer several hours a week to the Wesley music program and other organizations.
Anne and her husband, Rob, have three children. Their son, Ian, lives and works in Missouri. Their son, Alex, is in college in Colorado, and their daughter, Ryn, is in college in Manhattan. Beyond her work and volunteering, Anne enjoys music, reading, travel, crocheting, and knitting.