Known Infection
In Case of Known Infection (Update 09/18/20)
Wesley UMC will take every precaution to avoid the spread of COVID-19 on our property or among our people. Publicity for all Wesley events will include reminders to stay home if not feeling well or if one has been exposed to the virus. Once arrived at a church event, all participants will be signed in, temp-checked (inside only), symptom-screened, and reminded to wash hands and wear their masks at all times. Building usage will be by appointment, and we are keeping a log of who’s in the building, and which parts of the building were used. In addition, a “contact if infected” form will be easily available on our website and weekly ALIVE posts, encouraging Wesley members and participants to self-report on a positive test-result. Persons who identify themselves as “exposed” will be encouraged to self-quarantine for 14 days after exposure. Both “infected” and “exposed” persons who self-report will receive an acknowledgement email and an assurance that their privacy and confidentiality will be protected. If Wesley is informed (within 14 days of the event) that a person using our building or attending one of our events (inside or outside) has tested positive for COVID-19, we will take the following steps:
1. Offer support and care to the infected person (Pastoral staff)
2. Provide MCHD with contact tracing information if requested (Program staff)
3. Communicate with congregation if needed in a way that clarifies at-risk population but protects confidentiality. Communication will read, “Wesley UMC has been notified that a participant in the __(event)___ on __(date)__ has tested positive for Coronavirus. We recommend that you watch for symptoms and undergo testing. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause, and urge you to report any symptoms to your doctor.” (Directing Pastor)
4. If exposure occurred inside a church facility, Wesley will restrict use of potentially affected/infected area, and following a 24-hour shut-down, deep-clean all rooms where infection may be present. (Facilities Manager and Custodial Staff)
5. If an “outbreak” (defined by MCHD as three or more persons testing positive after attending the same event), MCHD may recommend closure of the building for a 2-week quarantine. (All Staff)
If you believe you have been infected with the Coronavirus, please take the following steps:
1. See your doctor and be tested
2. Refrain from coming to the church building or participating in church events until you have been cleared by your doctor
3. Assist MCHD with identifying possible contacts who may have been exposed
4. Self-quarantine for at least 10 days after infection, whether or not you have symptoms
5. Contact the church using the self-report form found on our website. Positive test results will be communicated confidentially to those who may have been exposed. Possible exposures will not be shared with the congregation.
For more information, see the CDC webpage on guidelines for faith communities: