Re-Entry Plan
RE-ENTRY at Wesley UMC Bloomington (updated 3-15-22)
In-person worship continues Sundays at 9:00 am (traditional), and 11:30 am (contemporary), with children’s programming (elementary-age) during the 11:30 service unless otherwise notified. Beginning March 1st, anyone, regardless of vaccination status, is offered the option of wearing a mask while in Wesley Church.
Online worship will continue with a live stream at 9:00 am, and 11:30 am to our website, youtube channel, and Facebook page, and email those on our mailing list. Special services may be streamed at different times. We will keep you updated on the home page of this website with added times and dates.
In light of consistently improving numbers (rates of infection, hospitalization, and transmission going down; numbers of people vaccinated going up), we have adjusted Wesley’s COVID policy as follows:
As of March 1, 2022, wearing masks in Wesley’s buildings is optional. Persons with immune deficiencies or other comorbidities, vulnerable family members, and unvaccinated persons are encouraged to continue masking but are not required. Mask mandates for choir members, musicians, instrumentalists, etc., are not required. All persons are welcome to wear masks out of concern and care for the most vulnerable among us, and all are asked to show respect for the physical distance between persons.
Exceptions to the above are as follows:
If McLean County experiences a reversal in COVID improvement (e.g., high hospitalization rates, transmission, positivity), mask mandates may be reinstituted.
For more information, contact Pastor Sara (
Wesley’s Re-Entry Task Force has been working on policies and procedures for months to keep us safe while gathering in person.
- (Volunteers are needed; please check the link below!)
- If you are experiencing any COVID-related symptoms in the ten days leading up to the service, or if you have been exposed to a person who has tested positive for COVID—19 within the last 14 days before the service, we ask you to please worship from home with this link: ONLINE WORSHIP
Parking will be available at the North end of the east parking lot (including handicap-parking), and the lot to the south and west of the Wesley building.
Wesley will continue producing online worship with our excellent live stream, so if anything prohibits you from joining us in the Sanctuary or our weekly services, we hope you will join us online here.
Please visit our volunteer page if you can help us come back together for worship as a Wesley Family! You may also email Pastor Sara directly with feedback and suggestions.
We are working daily to ensure we have the most up-to-date information available. Please click on the following image for additional details on Restore Illinois's continuing state guidelines.
Additional information is available on the IGRC (Illinois Great Rivers Conference) website. Here you can learn about Phase construction as well as updated and specific guidelines for the United Methodist Churches based on the communications of Bishop Frank Beard.