Welcome to Wesley

We are honored to welcome you to Wesley United Methodist Church! We hope you find a home here in this community of faith.
Our mission here at Wesley UMC is “To make and nurture disciples for Jesus Christ," and we strive to do that in ways that are joyful, thoughtful, and relevant to modern life. We seek to be faithful to our Christian history and heritage as we respond in a holistic way to our call to live the Christian life . . . through vibrant worship, risk-taking service, generous giving, and welcoming hospitality.
We invite you to join with us in the adventure.
Each quarter we offer a "Welcome To Wesley" Night, where you can meet our pastors and some of our staff and also learn more about Wesley United Methodist Church.This is a great way to meet other people who are new to the church, some current members of the congregation, and church staff.
Check back on this website and in the E-News, Monthly Newsletter, and Sunday Bulletin for more information about the next New Member Orientation.