Fellowship & Events
Surge Youth Fellowship Group
During Phase 4 of Wesley UMC's response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Surge students will be meeting outside in the church parking lot in a 2 week rotation between jr. high and high school school students in small groups. Our new meeting format, titled "Bonfires of Belonging" invites 6th/7th grade students (rotation 1) and 9th/10th grade students (rotation 2) from 6-7 pm and 8th grade students (rotation 1) and 11th/12th grade students (rotation 2) from 7-8 pm to join us for games, fellowship and spiritual development.
While on church property everyone is required to wear a mask, undergo a temperature check upon arrival and maintain 6ft distance of others at all times.
In order to encourage our students to participate with their families in the new all-church campaign, "Paint the Town Wesley", Surge will move to SUNDAY nights beginning August 30th. For a full Surge calendar or more information regarding programming and activities, please feel free to contact Kelsey at kross@wesley-umc.com.
Youth Events
here are many youth events that happen other days of the week. Lock-ins (guys and girls retreats), mission trips, fall retreats, service projects, corn maze outing, wilderness trips, choir tours, small groups, Bible studies, concerts and more. Stay open and online for all dates. For more information about any of our events, please contact Kelsey Ross.