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November 23, 2022 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Garden Room or Virtual/Online

Disciple I book study (34 Week study)
DISCIPLE is a program of disciplined Bible study aimed at developing strong Christian leaders.
The study gives the Old and New Testaments equal time, emphasizing thewholeness of the Bible as a revelation of God. DISCIPLE draws upon the
work of scholars, the personal Bible reading and study of the
participant, and dynamic group discussion to aid understanding of the
Bible. The first study in the program is DISCIPLE: BECOMING
DISCIPLES THROUGH BIBLE STUDY, a thirty-four week overview of the entire
Bible. Commitment and Time Involved. About Three hours of independent study each week in preparation
for weekly group meetings.
Attendance at weekly hour meetings. Study Manual
Each member of the group needs a study manual and a Bible. The Bible is the
text for the study and the study manual will guide group members in
their study and preparation for the weekly group session. The study
manual also includes suggestions for individual and study-related
activities. Space is provided for taking notes while reading Scripture,
for recording thoughts and questions arising out of daily study, and for
notes during the weekly group session. The titles of the sessions along with theme words and theme verses, and major persons,
events, and topics will set the sequence of the biblical story in the
minds of the participants. The principal Scripture for each session
follows the chronological movement of the biblical story.
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