The first of three sessions in this Wesley Academy Fall Series will be “Advance Care Planning: Practical Information about Determining Your Future Medical Care” with Rev. Cheree Johnson on Saturday morning, September 17, 9:00-10:30. We will discuss:
Powers of attorney for health care
Mental health treatment preference declarations
Uniform DNR/POLST form
Rev. Cheree Johnson will be our guest speaker. Cheree is the Coordinator for Church Relations at Advocate BroMenn Medical Center. She attended Unity Catholic High School and then went on to study Psychology at Howard University, Theology at Yale Divinity School, and Non-Profit Organization at Case Western Reserve University. She once said, “Most adults in our community don’t have advance planning documents. That’s sad because most people will need those documents and, without them, other people will be making (end-of-life) decisions for them…We want this community to face its fear of dying and end-of-life planning. Trying to make decisions under duress is not the best option…Advance care planning isn’t about dying. It’s about living the life you want to live.”
Please register for this Wesley Academy session by September 12. Breakfast will be served as part of our session. The cost of breakfast will be $5.00. Registration Forms will be available at the Welcome Desk and on the church website.